FPS Rated Layer Cake Modular BCAR System by Chicken

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Introducing the Layer Cake Modular BCAR by Chicken! Whether its for low end FPS for games like HvZ, or Tournament level FPS for Competitive or beyond, you can build your own BCAR to fit your needs.

Rather than using set angles, the layers on this version of the Layer Cake Modular BCAR use specific mathematically calculated angles for various FPS levels

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend one layer per 50 FPS. Meaning, a blaster that hits 100 would use two layers, a blaster hitting 150 FPS would get three layers, a blaster hitting 200 would get four layers, and so on. Also, for the "in between" FPS levels, you generally would round up to the next number of layers. So 130 FPS would get three layers, 170 FPS would get four, etc. When you choose an FPS level, the correct number of layers will be automatically included.

Check out this BCAR Calculator that Chicken made to show how they came up with which angle to use for each FPS level: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cP_saeoSI4pyNyO21Ahhx67ckH0_YAVO8Zl8wWP1cZU/edit?usp=sharing

For other more detailed information about the BCAR System can be found here in this FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyPJJyuucL1wPgciL7jPjx-lo5qn6XjxbGYFjQ-f7aI/edit?usp=sharing

Layer Decoder:

  - 0 lines: Bearing angle (measured in degrees)
  - 1 line: Dart crush (circles are .1 instead of 1 for crush and triangles are 1 instead of 5) (measured in millimeters)
  - 2 lines: Bearing angle (measured in degrees) (continued)

  - Square = 10
  - Triangle = 5 (1 for crush)
  - Circle= 1 (.1 for crush)

Slots (FPS guide): Slots indicate that a layer is marked by FPS instead of angle. This is because exact FPS levels often require a decimal angle that is difficult to list using symbology. Because of this, rotation and angle are both left blank for FPS marked layers.

  - 1 slot= 120 fps
  - 2 slots= 130 fps
  - 3 slots= 140 fps
  - 4 slots= 150 fps
  - 5 slots= 160 fps
  - 6 slots= 170 fps
  - 7 slots= 180 fps
  - 8 slots= 190 fps
  - 9 slots= 200 fps
  - 10 slots= 220 fps
  - 11 slots= 240 fps
  - 12 slots= 250 fps
  - 13 slots= 270 fps
  - 14 slots= 290 fps
  - 15 slots= 300 fps
  - 16 slots= 340 fps
  - 17 slots= 350 fps
  - 18 slots= 390 fps
  - 19 slots= 440 fps
  - 20 slots= 490 fps

Please note: The shrouds are printed in Neon Orange for safety. If you want to customize the color of the shroud or configuration of each individual layer, please use the listings for the individual parts to build out your own fully custom tuned BCAR. They can be found here:

FPS Rated Layer Cake Layers: https://silverfoxindustries.shop/products/fps-rated-layer-cake-modular-bcar-individual-layer
Layer Cake Base: https://silverfoxindustries.shop/products/layer-cake-modular-bcar-base
Layer Cake Shroud: https://silverfoxindustries.shop/products/layer-cake-modular-bcar-shroud


Please note that printed parts are printed to order in the order they are received and can be subject to a lead time.